Createx Illustration Colors2019-03-26T15:22:56+00:00

  • Ultra-refined transparent airbrush colors.  Developed by world-renowned artist and instructor Dru Blair
  • Illustration Colors atomize finely through the smallest airbrush tip-sizes at low psi settings
  •  heavily pigmented transparent colors which dry to a matte finish.
  • They erase softly and dry to a durable coating
  • may be reduced and over-reduced in any ratio with 4012 & 4020 Reducers.
  • Illustration Colors appear glossy and vibrant with dimension after a gloss, top-coat clear is applied

Createx Illustration Colors Product Range:

Heavily pigmented transparent colors which dry to a matte finish.
Heavily pigmented opaque colors which dry to a matte finish.
Neutral Greys
9 Neutral Greys to underpaint your project creating values for structure; then mix CMYK hues for the finished art.
A special pallet of earth-toned, transparent colors developed by special FX artist Tim Gore.  Bloodline feature subtle, naturalistic hues with the same atomization and soft-erasing as other Createx Illustration Colors.
The perfect colors for the FX artist.  The colors in the Lifeline palette match the make-up colors worked with in the FX industry.  Ideal for masks, props and display sculptures.
Paint Sets
Artist Sets
Each of the Illustration Colors groups are available in a variety of sets, from complete ranges down to 6 x 30ml/1oz sets.